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Monday, December 15, 2014

Time Heals All

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock....I can still remember my grandmothers clock ticking in the night as I laid awake in the dark strange bedroom with the funny smell of moth balls and old wood. It was a comforting sound and lulled me to sleep eventually with it's rhythm.

 TIME. Defined as 'the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.' Time has always been a very interesting concept to me but I will spare you that speech. I am a very impatient person, a virtue I have not yet acquired in my almost 52 years on this beautiful planet. Even in my impatience though, time has passed and time has healed. The platitude 'time heals all' has never meant a thing to me and I have failed to believe that such a cliché could ever be true. I am here to share with you now that TIME DOES HEAL!

In time, with time, through time we have the opportunity to learn, grow and change. I have done just that and so have my children. It hasn't been an easy road for any of us and will continue to be burdened with bumps and bruises and even pain. I have learned to better myself and to stop trying to change others. I can only change myself. For the first time in many years I am experiencing real peace in my life. This peace, at first, felt odd and out of place. That's how long I had conditioned myself to chaos. So long that it was a while before I recognized what it was! It's been a very freeing experience. I still have days and moments when my body tries to revert back to that conditioned way of feeling and thinking but I become aware of it much quicker.

Now I'm going to be a grandmother (yahoo!!) and time has an even newer meaning. I plan on making the best of the time I have left in this world. Loving my husband, my children, my grandbabies, my life and striving for compassion and acceptance of everyone. Life is grand!