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Saturday, February 16, 2013


 Jubilee! A time for rejoicing.

Jubilee Youth Ranch has given us a reason to rejoice, recoup, and regroup. A blessed haven amidst rolling golden hills and thousands of acres of apple orchards. A blessed haven run by humans of amazing compassion and heart
 A home of up to sixty problemed young men from varied backgrounds.
Boys involved in gang activities, some from abusive homes, some with no living parents or parents who no longer want them. Most involved in crime and drugs. Many who are truly a product of their upbringings and others with loving families with the inability to function in society without hurting themselves.

This is where my son has resided now for nearly eight months. His time there has been full of many up and downs. He has run away at least seven times, has actually been released from the program for dangerous behavior and taken back again. He has gone from level zero to level four in record time at least twice. This, I'm told, is unheard of. He is now ahead in school, will start playing baseball with the local high school and has earned privileges to go snowboarding.

On our last visit he informed us that he's ready to get his life in order. "I really want to change this time." He's opening up to a psychologist on a weekly basis and participates openly in group therapy on a daily basis. Does he still struggle? You bet he does, but 'Rome wasn't built in a day' and habits die hard. Changing thought patterns and  trying to be less reactive take practice, patience and support.

I thank Jubilee from the bottom of my heart for loving my son enough to never give up on him!

I am rejoicing!



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